Adam Kennedy

VP, Kepware Global Sales , PTC

Adam Kennedy is the Global Vice President of the Kepware business and leads a sales team responsible for executing our industrial connectivity strategy across all regions. Adam has championed Kepware's product growth by working with strategic partners, a direct sales force and OEM partnerships. Through 15 years of working in the industrial connectivity space, Adam has developed a passion for helping customers collect, manage and achieve value from their factory data. Adam has seen hundreds of customers across all industries liberate information from their industrial facilities leading to improved operations and performance. He shares tremendous excitement for the opportunity digital transformation solutions promise to deliver to his customers and how Kepware can help guarantee their success.

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Wednesday, May 17 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM 210 A

II1579P - Accelerate Your Digital Transformation Strategy in the Factory with Kepware

Manufacturing leaders are standardizing their industrial data strategy across the enterprise. Hear best practices and lessons learned from stakeholders at Brembo, Trelleborg, and Electrolux, who have leveraged Kepware as a first step in their digital transformation journey. These practitioners “in the field” will share how they’ve improved their current infrastructure with an eye toward a digital future state. Factory connectivity is a key factor in achieving rapid time to value, enabling consistent deployment architecture, and driving enterprise-wide scale.

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