Andrew Sheedy

Sales Director , Entrust

Andrew has been in the PKI and strong identity space for close to 20 years, the last 3 of which have been at Entrust. His current role is in the Entrust Global Center of Excellence representing the Entrust PKI portfolio and supports the Entrust Strategic and Enterprise account teams in addition to the Entrust Public Sector team. He is based in the Washington DC area.

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Wednesday, May 17 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM IgniteTalX Stage 1

II1854I - Working Together To Achieve End-to-End Digital Trust In Connected Devices

The use of connected devices is increasing exponentially and they are now part of some of the most advanced and innovative ecosystems from smart factories, medical technology, automotive, energy, and national critical infrastructure. In addition to the benefits they bring, connected devices are also the target of a significant number of cyber attacks. So how can you achieve total digital trust in your technology? Device Authority and Entrust join forces to showcase how their solution provides automated zero-trust security in a ThingWorx environment. The session will showcase a live use case in healthcare innovation and manufacturing, looking at the provisioning and management of public and private certificates, PKI, and Post Quantum Readiness.

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