Basant Mehta

Specialist Master , Deloitte

Basant has over 20 years of PLM experience deploying PLM solutions covering Product Development, Requirements Engineering, Quality, Costing and Analytics. He is a seasoned analyst who has managed global teams for global customers.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM IgniteTalX Stage 1

ES1852I - ESG: Making the World a Better Place

How will your Environmental, Social Governance (ESG) score influence your standing in the marketplace? Is the attainment of net zero carbon emissions a mystery? Do you think that your investments in Net Zero/ESG will have a negative impact on your bottom line? Deloitte has a solution using industry-available data sources to provide insight and track business transitions to obtain your goals while managing the investment required. The solution is more than just product development, it encompasses a holistic business vision.

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