Bill Ryan

Process Improvement Engineer , Peterbilt

Bill Ryan is a Process Improvement Engineer at Peterbilt Motors Company with 25 years of experience providing and developing solutions for engineers using Windchill and Creo products. As a vehicle property owner for load carry capacity, Bill used his experience of managing weight to transform the process of using Creo and Windchill to make weight rollup possible for large truck assemblies.

Session Track:

Thursday, May 18 10:10 AM - 10:40 AM 204

CA1107C - Make it Easy for Engineers to Manage & Verify Weight in Creo

Presenters will show how a user interface can be created with toolkit in Creo Parametric to validate and convert mass properties in Creo Models. Attendees will learn all the integrations and hidden gems inside Creo Parametric to enhance the user’s ability to manage weight. The 4-year journey of implementing the environment will be summarized by showing the entire Creo integration of toolkit, mapkeys, relations, config settings, start parts, import profiles, material library, custom ribbon file, and an attribute filter. After watching this presentation, attendees should have a much better understanding to reduce the implementation time.

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