Brad Cline

Analytics Manager , PTC

Brad Cline manages the Analytics team in the Solutions Consulting group at PTC. He is responsible for leading clients through their investigation and deployment of applying Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning, through ThingWorx Analytics, to their business use cases. His most recent role within PTC was as a Business Development Director in the Field Services organization focused on working with clients to scope ThingWorx and ThingWorx Analytics consulting engagements including Smart Connected Operations and Products. He has managed Product Quality and Engineering Reliability software implementation, consulting and training activities for hundreds of customers in the aerospace, defense, electronics, medical device, consumer product, and industrial product industries. In addition to previously being a certified reliability engineer (CRE), he has a BS in Applied Mathematics (Operations Research) and an MBA.

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Monday, May 15 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM 102 B

II1054B - Use Applied Analytics to Drive Key Insights into your Operations

Connecting assets throughout your organization vastly increases the amount of data that can be used to generate valuable insights into your operations. Applying advanced Analytics to this data is critical to drive these higher level insights. Hear how PTC views this Applied Analytics strategy, how we are embedding Applied Analytics into our Solutions, and how these tools and capabilities have been applied in the field.

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