Bryan Burkhalter

Senior Instructor , PTC

I have a long history using PTC products beginning in 1996 with version 12.0 of Pro/ENGINEER. This career followed an enlistment in the United States Navy where I was responsible for navigation of the USS Nimitz during the Desert Storm/Shield era. I have since had a long career in aviation and aerospace including the design of GPS integration systems and development of primary/secondary structures and avionics wiring on the Atlas V rocket. This long career in aviation and aerospace was interrupted with 8 years working in the nuclear field with the primary focus being design of remotely controlled machinery. All of my 26 years in industry has been accompanied by PTC and its products. Now we are officially a team as I joined with PTC as a Senior Instructor in June of 2022.

Session Track:

Monday, May 15 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 157 A

CA1643TR - Creo: Advanced Modeling

To participate, bring a laptop to access the software via a web browser. It is strongly recommended that you have the Creo Parametric Fundamentals or Associate Certification before attending. In this class, you will create complex geometry using advanced modeling capabilities in Creo Parametric. You will examine additional advanced modeling techniques to use in your designs. Then, you will use advanced features with Creo Parametric and additional modeling techniques to create robust 3D models.

Session Track:

Thursday, May 18 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM 160 A

CA1654TR - Creo: Advanced Surface Modeling

To participate, bring a laptop to access the software via a web browser. It is strongly recommended that you have the Creo Parametric Fundamentals or Associate Certification before attending. In this class, you will explore the Style interface and use surface features to create complex geometry. Interactively modify curves and view the subsequent changes to related surfaces in real time. Identify downstream issues caused by surface quality and how to solve for them, including several methods for handling three-sided surfaces.

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM 160 A

CA1667TR - Tips, Tricks, and Configuration Options for Creo Productivity

In this 90-minute lecture and demo session, learn productivity and modeling techniques from a seasoned Creo user. Explore Creo configuration files and learn how key options and settings can improve your Creo experience!

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM 160 A

Tips, Tricks, and Configuration Options for Creo Productivity

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM 160 A

Tips, Tricks, and Configuration Options for Creo Productivity

Session Track:

Thursday, May 18 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM 160 A

Tips, Tricks, and Configuration Options for Creo Productivity

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