Chad Stoltzfus

Software Engineer , Premier Custom-Built, Inc.

As a FeatureScript developer at Premier Custom Built, Chad has helped to design and build workflows, custom features, and applications to create a highly customized product design experience. Chad is also an Onshape Ambassador, and enjoys exploring the many unique solutions that Onshape customers have created to tackle difficult problems.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM 206

CA1203B - Customize your CAD with FeatureScript

Every business struggles with collecting expert knowledge and imparting it to the next generation of talent. Companies have opted to adopt additional software to store this expertise, but it can be difficult to find, difficult to use, and difficult to maintain. This presentation will cover how Premier Custom Built used FeatureScript to consolidate design work, specifications, and craftsmanship all inside of Onshape. In doing so, they have turned the funnel of knowledge transfer into a flywheel. We will cover how FeatureScript is an approachable, powerful, and widely applicable solution for businesses.

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