Chris MacDonald

Head of AI & Analytics , PTC

Responsible for PTC's Applied AI & Analytics Strategy. PTC is institutionalizing Applied Analytics as a foundational enabler of unlocking value and insights from data within our products and across the digital thread. Working across our product portfolio and SaaS strategy, my team is responsible for the success of our AI and Analytics strategy. I believe successful Applied Analytics is at the intersection of business impact, technical feasibility and data availability. My team is always seeking to understand where a challenge sits within the customer process and in relation to our software workflow. Our goal to inject insights into business processes at moment of highest impact.

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Monday, May 15 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM 102 B

II1054B - Use Applied Analytics to Drive Key Insights into your Operations

Connecting assets throughout your organization vastly increases the amount of data that can be used to generate valuable insights into your operations. Applying advanced Analytics to this data is critical to drive these higher level insights. Hear how PTC views this Applied Analytics strategy, how we are embedding Applied Analytics into our Solutions, and how these tools and capabilities have been applied in the field.

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