Chris Woerther

VP of Business Development , EAC Product Development

I have been working for and with product development and manufacturing companies for over 30 years. I have worked on the shop floor, tearing down and creating products. As a designer utilizing the latest CAD tools at the time and have fully owned a single product line. I have led an IT team for a global company where we implemented Windchill to manage our global product development, implemented and custom developed ERP, MES, and a hands-free return goods authorization system. All of which were digitally connected to each other. I now use this experience to help guide other companies to achieve this same level of global digital transformation and establish a true product digital thread.

Session Track:

Monday, May 15 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM 104

PL1842B - Minimal Windchill Implementations to Achieve Significant ROI

At times the thought of a full digital transformation can be overwhelming for small and mid-size companies, to the point where they don’t move on to anything in Windchill beyond basic PDM functionality. This presentation will briefly outline the minimum Windchill functionality needed to expand Windchill usage to other departments, specifically the shop floor, to share product data and create a true closed-loop change process with best practice implementation recommendations. We will also share a real-world use case example that has helped to generate an ROI of over $1 million annually. 

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