Christopher Marks

Solutions Engineer , IQNOX

Solutions engineer driven to learn new skills and technology in the areas of IoT and ALM. I have worked on Thingworx applications with 3 years of experience, where I have learned how to solve many of the problems that customers face when building and designing IoT solutions. I currently work at IQNOX, where I work with customers to solve problems and build IoT applications.

Session Track: ALM

Wednesday, May 17 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM IgniteTalX Stage 2

AL1219I - Codebeamer Document Import Demonstration

Many companies today are struggling with connecting all their data, processes, and systems throughout an application's life cycle in order to efficiently provide an all-encompassing view of all their application-related information. PTC is now providing the perfect digital thread solution via Codebeamer, the latest in ALM technology. Attend this presentation to find out why the Digital Thread trend is happening, how it solves many of the ALM issues companies are facing today, and how Codebeamer is the tool to move your application life-cycle process into the future.

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