Colin McMahon

Senior Market Research Analyst , PTC

Colin McMahon is a senior market research analyst working with PTC’s Corporate Marketing team, helping to provide actionable insights, challenging perspectives, and comprehensive thought leadership on many aspects of digital transformation. Colin has been working professionally as a research analyst for roughly 10 years, and he enjoys examining and evaluating just how large the overall impact of digital transformation technologies will be. He has a passion for gamification and fully understanding just how and why "optional" industries like gaming will inform essential industries like healthcare and manufacturing.

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM IgniteTalX Stage 1

AR1890I - Is Game Design Different from Product Design?

Traditional thought says that work and pleasure are two different things, and likewise that the gaming industry has nothing relevant to teach any "serious" organization...but how true is that? I believe that part of the skilled labor shortage, at least when it comes to digital-focused employees, stems from the misconception that gaming and manufacturing are two completely different endeavors and that a game designer has nothing to bring a product design team. This short talk will showcase key examples of why this thought process is outdated, and how we can break down the imaginary line between gaming and business and bring some of the best of the gaming industry to customers who are increasingly digital-native and gaming savvy.

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