Daniel Kane

Manager, Onshape Technical Services , PTC

I've worked on the Onshape Technical services team for over two and a half years. While my role mainly consists of customer-facing Onshape demonstrations I also participate in Onshape product releases, technical content creation, and on-site customer support. My main interests are in design automation and collaboration.

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 1:55 PM - 2:25 PM 211

CA1224B - Unlocking Collaborative Engineering Potential with Cloud-Native CAD

The world is changing as software companies are moving towards cloud-native architectures and CAD is no exception to that. Cloud-native engineering enables teams to develop in an agile manner where they can collaborate with multiple users and unlock workflows that previously were impossible with on-premise CAD. As this transition is happening, companies will need to understand the benefits that cloud-native engineering solutions can offer. This session will review the capabilities that get opened by cloud-native CAD and the best practices that can be put in place to take full advantage of it.

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