David Genter

R&T Director - Technology Planning , Cummins, Inc.

David has spent 36 years at Cummins, Inc. in a variety of engineering-based roles. As a Design Engineer, he supported the design of many products including leading the design of the QSK60 diesel engine, as well as Cummins’ largest diesel engine, the QSK95. David led the Design, Analysis, and Product Release organization for the High Horsepower Business segment, after which he led Cummins’ Design for Sustainability efforts, and led a Technology Development program designed to assess the viability of various decarbonized powertrains to serve Mining, Locomotive, and Marine applications. David is currently Director – Technology Planning within Cummins’ Research and Technology organization, working across the business to ensure the right technologies are being developed to achieve PLANET 2050 (or carbon neutrality) goals.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 1:55 PM - 2:25 PM 205 A

ES1078C - Design for Sustainability: Developing a Design Optimization Culture

Design Engineering has a huge role to play in minimizing a product's impact on the environment. Designing products to meet sustainability requirements is not only better for the planet, it also encourages a culture of optimization, with engineering benefits like improved cost, weight, performance, and resource utilization. In this session covering both the technical activities and human factors that have helped Cummins’ engineering teams thrive, hear how designing for sustainability has helped Cummins build an optimization culture.

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