Dinesh Khaladkar

President & CEO , eQ Technologic, Inc.

Dinesh founded eQ Technologic, the trusted maker of eQube®-DaaS (Data as a Service) platform that delivers a highly scalable, resilient, and secure Data Fabric. He guides eQ’s strategy, business development, strategic partnering and alliance development, and direction of product/technology development. With 35+ years of experience in complex product development management, enterprise software development, supply chain management, enterprise application integration, business analytics, & executive decision-making, he is the Brand Ambassador for eQ and eQube®!

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Monday, May 15 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM 208

PL1795B - Delivering Digital Thread Leveraging API Factory & Common Data Model (CDM)

A digital thread creates a closed loop between the digital and physical to optimize products, people, and processes in delivering Digital Twin. This presentation will discuss a Digital Thread solution that captures the thread covering systems, such as ALM (requirements and systems design), planning, software development, simulation, and PLM. It will highlight the journey from CDM to API Factory to the Digital Thread solution using eQube®-DaaS.

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