Hedley Apperly

VP Product Management & Strategy - SSE , PTC

Hedley Apperly BSc (Hons) MA; VP Product & Marketing at PTC - for the Integrity Systems & Software Engineering product family. He has graduate and post graduate qualifications in engineering, computing & strategic marketing, backed up with 22 years of senior product management experience in the modeling tools domain. Hedley is an author and visionary on methodologies, modeling and reuse. He is also a member of the OMG Board of Directors and has been actively involved in defining industry standards such as UML, SysML and ReqIF. He was involved in writing Component Based Development for Enterprise Systems (1998 Cambridge University Press). Hedley also co-authored Component Based Software Engineering; Putting the Pieces Together (1999, Addison-Wesley) and Service- and Component-based Development; Using the Select Perspective and UML (2002, Addison Wesley.)

Session Track: ALM

Tuesday, May 16 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM 104

AL1047PR - What's Next in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

Join PTC experts for an inside look at the ALM product strategy and future product roadmaps for Codebeamer, Windchill RV&S, and Windchill Modeler. You'll learn how PTC is thinking about ALM's integration into the digital thread, and how your business can leverage this technology now and in the future.

Session Track:

Thursday, May 18 11:05 AM - 11:35 AM 104

PL1126B - The Value of ALM-PLM Integration for Digital Product Traceability

In a world where product complexity is growing at a record pace and smart, connected products are becoming the norm, traditional document-centric tools and best practices are no longer suitable for contemporary multi-discipline distributed systems engineering. PTCs ALM-PLM integration with Digital Product Traceability extends your digital thread with requirements for engineering, test management, and model-based systems engineering linked to product development and enables collaboration and coordination across the whole product, connecting all engineers and disciplines.

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