Hemant Shadra

Product Manager , PTC

Hemant's PTC career started in the consulting services organization where he spent a lot of time addressing customer problems with enterprise scale PLM implementations. Now, Hemant is part of the Windchill Product Management team. His current responsibilities include WC+ Integrations and Windchill REST Services.

Session Track:

Thursday, May 18 10:10 AM - 10:40 AM 206

PL1127B - Integration Patterns: PLM for the Digital Thread

As Windchill customers look to implement their digital thread vision, integrating Windchill and other business systems is critical. In this session, we will walk you through two integration technologies/patterns that will help you meet your integration goals. The first is Windchill REST Services (WRS) and we will provide an overview of how these REST Services can be leveraged and recent improvements to the WRS offering. Next, we will cover Flow, a new tool in the integration toolkit. The session will highlight the capabilities of Flow and how it can be used by Windchill+ customers to integrate their business systems.

Session Info

Monday, May 15 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Westin Grand Ballroom

GP1808P - Windchill+ Technical Overview

This session will provide partner technical resources with an opportunity to gain extra clarity around what Windchill+ is and learn the similarities and differences across onPrem and SaaS platforms.  Led by the Windchill Product Management team, the session will include presentation, demo, and discussion Q & A around topics such as technical orientation, what’s in, what’s out, customizations, and performance gains.    Attendees will also learn how to access Windchill+, the implementation process, how to move to Windchilll+, and determine how to assess their own custom applications for compliance with Windchill+ constraints. Partner attendees will also hear about roadmap plans and what will change over time.  

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