Joerg Thomsen

Senior Director PLM Product Management , PTC

Joerg Thomsen is a Product Manager Senior Director in the PLM Segment covering a broad range of responsibilities, including Creo data management, CAD to eBOM transformation, IP protection, performance advisor and exploring how augmented reality can be leveraged within product development. Prior to his Product Management role, he worked in various positions at PTC incl. Benchmark specialist for CAD data management. Joerg started his PTC journey 1995 with a 4-year break (2002-2006) when he worked as a consultant mainly in the automotive industry. Joerg holds a Dipl.-Ing. from the Maerkische Fachhochschule in Iserlohn, Germany.

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 2:50 PM - 3:20 PM 205 C

PL1121B - How Can a Digital Thread Transform Design, Manufacturing, Quality, and Service? - Ask Your PTC Experts

Learn from PTC experts about the organizational and business benefits of a digital thread with a specific focus on productivity, quality, and cost.

Session Track:

Monday, May 15 1:20 PM - 1:50 PM 206

PL1125B - Accelerating Innovation and Sustainability Through Digital Design Engineering

With an increasingly challenging global environment and uncertainties, product development faces daunting challenges. In addition, there is a need of products designed to fulfill sustainability goals e.g., carbon footprint. Those requirements need to have special capabilities for data management. Windchill and the Windchill Workgroup manager enables companies and their users to get full insights and collaboration capabilities to reach those goals. In this session we will present current features and future capabilities.

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