Joseph Biron

GM Azure Strategic Missions , Microsoft

Joe Biron leads Azure Product Marketing for Strategic Missions products at Microsoft. The Strategic Missions portfolio includes Azure IoT, Azure for Operators, Azure Space, and Azure Quantum - recent and emerging innovations that will power the next-generation of cloud computing. Joe has spent his career in advanced technology, serving as a software engineer, systems architect, CTO and General Manager, always with an emphasis on forming product and market strategies to match technological breakthroughs to business value.

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Tuesday, May 16 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM 204

II1178P - From Edge to Cloud and Everywhere in Between: Innovating in IIoT

Featuring Joe Biron, General Manager, Azure Strategic Missions Product Marketing at Microsoft, and Abby Eon, Senior Vice President, Digital Thread Portfolio and General Manager of the Kepware Segment at PTC, Steve Dertien will discuss how PTC is driving innovation in IIoT through SaaS. How does collaboration with Microsoft enhance PTC's IIoT SaaS strategy and enable Kepware+, ThingWorx solutions, and future innovations to create better solutions for our joint customers? Why is SaaS important to IIoT? What is PTC building with Microsoft that customers will find interesting?

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