Katrin Laschzok

Corp. Engineering Data and Applications , Festo SE & Co. KG

My name is Katrin Laschzok, I´m 46 years old and I work at Festo in the department Corp. Engineering Data and Applications to ensure, that the processes and data of the product development are handled in a uniform way. I enjoy having the overview over all applications and processes, make them work and practicable for our company. My base education was a technical draftswoman, further educations as mechanical engineering technician and finally technical business economist followed. I work now for 21 years for Festo. The first almost 20 years I worked for the IT (CAD&PDM-Administration) and switched one and a half years ago to the corporate product development. Our goal is to follow the “Idea to Shelf”-strategy. My hobbies are my family (my husband and two boys), hiking, biking, cooking and baking.

Session Track: ALM

Monday, May 15 4:05 PM - 4:35 PM 205 C

AL1070B - ALM Meets PDM: A Journey From Requirements to Realization

Festo, the leading supplier of automation technology and technical education, is deploying products and services to meet the challenges of smart production. Transparent, agile product development regarding interdisciplinary tasks and requirements presents us with challenges for worldwide development. With our Technical Engineering Centers, we can respond quickly and flexibly to customer requirements and needs. To implement these factors, we need a single source of truth via ALM. Using the Festo Cobot, we’ll show our approach to agile development in all disciplines within Codebeamer. Instead of responding to a single specification doc, each individual REQ has its own lifecycle, change management, and test case linked to an iteration of the product. The goal is vast development speed linked to full transparency on quality and content!

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