Kevin Ryan

Senior Manager , Sabel Systems Technology Solutions LLC

To be provided

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Thursday, May 18 10:10 AM - 10:40 AM 207

II1434B - Better Airport Operations via Digital Transformation

Airlines have difficulty viewing multiple layered airport equipment systems. Facility equipment failures are reactionary which can cause operational challenges that impact schedule and customer experience. The solution? A ThingWorx and Kepware-powered connected equipment solution throughout the Southwest Airlines network that enables real-time remote visibility of equipment performance at the component level, automated alert and escalation features that reduce downtime, a direct interface with Southwest’s Computerized Maintenance Management System to create work orders, and robust reporting for benchmarking and trend analysis. Beginning as a pilot, it has now expanded to 32 airports with added aircraft de-icing and fueling equipment. The network is resilient and enables financial, operational, and energy efficiencies across the U.S. airport system. Attend to learn key benefits, ease of deployability and use, and see a demo that highlights savings and opportunities to reduce downtime.

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