Margaret Philleo

Engineering Support , Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory

Margaret "Kit" Philleo is the lead for Creo View and Creo Illustrate at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (JHUAPL). She is responsible for CAD and visual consistency in digital transformation efforts. Prior to working for JHUAPL she worked as a senior consultant in the DoD space, during this time she ran asset inspection analysis and system modeling for various clients. She started her career as a research assistant at the Planetary Habitability and Technology Lab at Georgia Tech. Margaret earned a B.S in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 2:50 PM - 3:20 PM 102 B

CA1352P - Digital Thread and Model-Based Definition: Johns Hopkins Expert Panel

In this panel from Johns Hopkins, learn how traceable MBD data elements are consumed in various PTC tools and workflows like Creo, Windchill, ThingWorx, and Vuforia. In addition to successes and challenges, the panelists will be discussing their experiences utilizing these tools and capabilities in real pilot projects.

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