Martina Stefanon

IMA Digital Business Development Manager , IMA S.p.A

Martina Stefanon is Business Development Manager IMA Digital, at IMA Group. She is responsible to support both from a technical and commercial point of view all Divisions and Companies of the Group regarding digital tools and services. Moreover, Stefanon is also Product Manager of the IMA Sentinel platform for data driven services on connected machines. With more than five years’ experience in Industrial IOT and Analytics related activities, she designed field applications of Industry 4.0 technology not only on packaging machines but also on other industrial machinery. Since 2015 through 2019 Stefanon has been a member of the Advisory Board of “Quota 8000 Service Innovation Program”, created by The European House Ambrosetti. Stefanon has more than 15 years’ experience in packaging machinery industry.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 2:50 PM - 3:20 PM 205 C

II1604C - Industrial Machinery: A Major Paradigm Shift in the IIoT Business Model

IMA GROUP, a leading player in industrial machinery for packaging, presents a major paradigm shift in the IoT customer journey and business model, enabled by ThingWorx and PTC Cloud. Instead of selling standalone applications, they sell high-value-added services, where a service can be a state-of-the-art predictive maintenance algorithm or a real-time monitoring service. Customers can pick services in what they call the Algomarket and activate them on top of their ThingWorx-based IMA IIoT platform. This paradigm shift is based on developing strategic partnerships with customers where we nurture the customer relationship throughout the whole journey, we guarantee SLAs, we collect feedback and we jointly define a roadmap and develop new services that add further value to the partnership.

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