Matthew Whelan

Engineering Director for Automated Storage Retrieval Systems , Ocado Technology

Matt Whelan is the Engineering Director for Automated Storage Retrieval Systems at Ocado Technology. He joined Ocado Technology as a Software Engineer in 2010 working on the company’s bot orchestration system, award-winning simulation capabilities, and beyond. As a long-standing additive enthusiast, he turned this hobby into a job in 2021 when he transitioned into a hardware role, leading the international development team responsible for Ocado Technology’s pioneering 600 Series bot. His unique background led him to take an innovative additive-first approach to robotics development which draws on agile methodologies from the world of software. In 2023, Matt was promoted to lead Ocado Technology's ASRS engineering teams. As well as his director role, Matt also heads up Ocado Technology’s Stockholm Development Centre.

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM 206

CA1360C - Combining Additive & Agile Methods for Rapid Robotics Innovation

Matt Whelan, Engineering Director for Automated Storage Retrieval Systems at Ocado Technology, will be lifting the lid on the company’s radical additive-first approach to robotics hardware development. This novel design process, which puts additive at the center and draws inspiration from the world of agile software development, allowed the team to create the world’s lightest and most efficient grocery fulfillment bot.

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