Michael Falkensteiner

Principal Technical Services Engineer , Onshape

Michael holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and has worked for more than 10 years as a product developer. In his last role also with management responsibilities as head of a Mechanical Engineering department. He is a native German speaker, lives in Austria where he enjoys running, skiing, hiking and spending time with his family.

Session Track:

Monday, May 15 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 156 B

CA1692TR - Onshape Hands-on Test Drive (Mon10)

This training is geared towards new Onshape users or people who want to learn how Onshape may revolutionize their design practices. Come join us as we give you a guided tour of Onshape. The class will walk you through a design focusing on topics that are unique to Onshape. Explore modeling techniques, sharing and collaboration tools, data management, and more! You will work in a team within the class to design and manage data, learning about Onshape’s key differentiators in the process. Some topics include Onshape documents, multi-part part studios, assemblies and mating, sharing and teams, comments, markup, tasks, and follow mode, document history and versions, branching and merging, analytics, Onshape Simulation, Render Studio, and Onshape on a mobile device.

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