Michael Gervautz

VP Product Planning Vuforia , PTC

Michael Gervautz is a VP of product planning in the Vuforia team. In this role, Gervautz is responsible for finding and defining new innovative features and technologies for PTCs augmented reality initiatives. Michal has a long history in Augmented Reality. He started as a researcher and university teacher at the Technical University of Vienna leading a team of innovators building first innovative concepts for Augmented Reality. Since then, he stayed in the field, leading his own company, working as a product manager, business developer and product planner at Qualcomm and finally joined PTC to continue his journey with Vuforia.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 1:55 PM - 2:25 PM 204

AR1573B - Automotive Trailblazer: How Volvo Group is Reimaging Service and Training with Augmented Reality

Come join Vincent Barnoux (Volvo Group - Aftermarket Technology) and Michael Gervautz (PTC) to see the staggering progress Volvo Group has made in services and training since their collaboration with PTC started at LiveWorx in 2019. In their commitment to quality, safety and innovation, Volvo Group has worked on a multitude of global applications that utilize Vuforia Augmented Reality to improve training, service, and safety with the newly launched emergency response guide app. Learn why Volvo Group chose these use cases to start to scale their augmented reality journey and the business impacts these applications have had on global operations. Finally, discover how these results have shaped the technology roadmap in Volvo Group’s desire to further support customers and disrupt the transportation industry.

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