Mirko Theiss

Senior Product Manager , PROSTEP AG

Mirko is Senior Product Manager at PROSTEP AG, Darmstadt, Germany. He holds a doctor degree in Civil Engineering of the Technical University Darmstadt. Mirko has more than 20 years of experience in PLM system integration and cross-company collaboration by helping the leading companies in the automotive, aerospace and manufacturing industry to establish their heterogenous digital thread. He is a specialist in all well-known PLM systems like Windchill, Arena, 3DExperience , Teamcenter and others. Mirko is the Product Manager of the PROSTEP PLM Integration Platform OpenPDM and is responsible for the PROSTEP Product Platform Strategy

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 1:55 PM - 2:25 PM 212

PL1830B - Leveraging Your Digital Thread with PROSTEP PLM Connectors to PTC Products

Companies of different industries are forced to work with heterogeneous engineering infrastructures. PLM information, especially, is distributed across various management systems. And determining an accurate and consistent view on product status is time consuming and circuitous. Accessing all the required PLM information at any stage of the product development process is crucial for the digital thread. It is key that the heterogeneous PLM, ALM, ERP, or MES information is available in a consistent way. The presentation, based on customer project experience, outlines how PROSTEP Connectors enable the use of data stored in various systems to be used within PTC products like Arena, Windchill, Codebeamer, or ThingWorx.

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