Patrick Ollerton

Product Manager , PTC

Patrick has over 20 years experience working with CAD, PLM and ALM solutions and has a passion for innovative product development and systems engineering. His current position is Product Manager for Windchill Modeler, PTC's model-based systems engineering solution.

Session Track: ALM

Tuesday, May 16 10:15 AM - 11:05 AM 253 ABC Test Station 17

AL1727U - Windchill Modeler: Using SysML 2.0

This session is a UX Lab 1:1 Research Study. Participants are required to be users who are responsible for creating system models (including creating requirements, functions, and logical structures). In this lab, provide feedback on the new OMG standard SysML 2.0 and evaluate the SysML 2.0 solution planned for Windchill Modeler 10.0.

Session Track: ALM

Wednesday, May 17 1:15 PM - 2:05 PM 253 ABC Test Station 17

Windchill Modeler: Using SysML 2.0

Session Track: ALM

Wednesday, May 17 2:15 PM - 3:05 PM 253 ABC Test Station 17

Windchill Modeler: Using SysML 2.0

Session Track: ALM

Wednesday, May 17 3:15 PM - 4:05 PM 253 ABC Test Station 17

Windchill Modeler: Using SysML 2.0

Session Track: ALM

Thursday, May 18 10:15 AM - 11:05 AM 253 ABC Test Station 17

Windchill Modeler: Using SysML 2.0

Session Track: ALM

Thursday, May 18 11:15 AM - 12:05 PM 253 ABC Test Station 17

Windchill Modeler: Using SysML 2.0

Session Track: ALM

Tuesday, May 16 1:55 PM - 2:25 PM 207

AL1898B - SysML 2.0: The Next-Generation Systems Modeling Language

SysML enables a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach to improve productivity and quality while reducing risk during systems development and is used in a broad range of industries including aerospace and defense, automotive, and biomedical. System models expressed in SysML provide a cross-disciplinary representation to enable integration with other engineering models and tools. Join the OMG and PTC, as we introduce you to the next generation of SysML and give you a preview of SysML 2.0 and PTC Modeler 10.

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