Patrick Sullivan

Vice President, Business Development , Archer Grey LLC

Patrick has spent the last 25 years consulting in various industries and helping clients achieve their objectives successfully. He has done this through the process of identifying challenges and overcoming them by listening and connecting experts who have the right skills to get the job done. The secret has been working to set expectations correctly and delivering upon those expectations. This bio is supported through the reputation of ArcherGrey. Patrick has spent the last 16 years of his career at ArcherGrey and they have maintained a 100% success rate in delivering for their clients.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 2:50 PM - 3:20 PM 103

PL1850B - Ties that Bind: Preparing Your Organization for Digital Thread

Digital Transformation needs to be a custom strategy that will guide you through tightening your digital thread. Join a panel of experts to learn about some of the largest gaps that exist and proven examples of how to overcome them. You will learn the importance of creating a seamless digital thread that relies on harmonization across the organization. You will also hear about overcoming system silos and how to get through common challenges. The presentation will address misalignment and how to get around one of the most overlooked, but solvable, challenges facing the digital thread via roles and responsibilities. This session will also touch on culture and how to ensure you address inevitable resistance that may arise when embarking on a digital thread strategy.

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