Petrișor Lăcătuș

IoT Solutions Architect , IQNOX

Petrisor Lacatus is an architect and developer with a focus on innovation. Petrisor has extensive experience in Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), and systems architecture and design. At IQNOX, Petrisor serves as the lead architect, establishing processes, procedures, and setting standards for software engineering, systems design, and the cunning application of technology to solve business problems. Petrisor also embodies IQNOX’s values of customer service, quality, and a problem-solving mentality. Clients and team mates love Petrisor’s willingness to try new things, brainstorm novel solutions, and collaborate.

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Wednesday, May 17 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM IgniteTalX Stage 1

II1818I - Modern ThingWorx Development

The application development and deployment landscape changed dramatically in the decade since ThingWorx was initially released. For companies with limited development experience, best practices enable larger and easier to maintain projects. New extensions help streamline mashup development. Best in class companies use Git and modern devops methodologies for working in multiple environments. Lastly, companies with established development and IT practices can develop ThingWorx using TypeScript, enabling multiple teams of developers to build large-scale applications that integrate well with existing technologies like React.

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