Ross Snyder

Application Engineer , Sigmetrix

Ross Snyder is an Application Engineer at Sigmetrix supporting training classes, creating content, and providing customer demos. As a graduate of Western Michigan University’s College of Engineering, and a lead part of their robotics program, Ross also has worked in several industries including Automotive, Microelectronics, and even engineering ride vehicles for Universal Studios. This diverse background has provided firsthand experience managing mechanical variance in a variety of applications and helps relate to customers of all industries to improve training and educational engagement.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM IgniteTalX Stage 3

CA1825I - Tolerance Analysis w/ EZTA & CETOL: More Reasons to Stop Using Spreadsheets

Tolerance analysis is an essential part of a successful product workflow. Using tools such as EZTA and CETOL can make the process faster, easier, and more accurate than traditional manual tolerance analysis. Often a quick 1D study can reveal that there are more involved areas of your assembly that need to be analyzed. Leveraging both tools can save time and prevent duplicated efforts. Join us in a brief discussion going over the workflow and benefits of exporting your 1D stack up in EZTA over to CETOL and making the most out of your tolerance analysis tools!

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