Roy Clarke

Solutions Consultant , PTC

Having previously worked in the Defence sector, joined PTC in 1999 as a PLM pre-sales technical specialist. During the last ten years have transitioned to an Industrial IoT solutions consultant supporting customers both from a manufacturing and service perspective. Based in the UK.

Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Tuesday, May 16 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM 206

II1199C - Scaling Smart Factory Beyond Pilots

Piloting Smart Factory technologies is something that everyone can do. Scaling is where significant challenges and opportunities lie. We believe using innovative and unconventional approaches to people, process, technology, and data aspects of your program is essential to the success. Our experience at Rolls-Royce with Smart Factory technology adoption has been eventful. With many failures and some successes, we have learnt a lot and are learning every day. Join us to listen to our story and share your thoughts with us at PTC LiveWorx. This is a joint session to be presented by Rashitha Jayasekara (Chief of Manufacturing, Rolls-Royce) and Roy Clarke (PTC).

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