Sebastian Trolli

Sr. Industry Analyst , Frost & Sullivan

Sebastian Trolli Sr. Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan Sr. Member of ISA Smart Manufacturing & IIoT Division Chemical Engineer | Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina) Thought leader with 19+ years of dedicated professional experience driving the growth of industries and customers in the fields of industrial automation, industrial software, operational technologies, Industry 4.0, and manufacturing by: • Providing up-to-date differentiated market intelligence by delivering insights on growth opportunities, technology pace, market trends, drivers, restraints and challenges, and business model evolution • Addressing their most demanding and critical business and operational challenges through the application of industrial technologies. My expertise relies on domains such as Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, IIoT, and OT/IT/ET/BT Integration; Big Data, Analytics, AI, ML, and Digital Twin related technologies; and XaaS business models. Throughout my career, I have succeeded in a broad diversity of roles and responsibilities: • Partnering with Senior Executives to help them achieve their growth objectives. • Conducting actionable, strategic, and insightful market research. • Developing business opportunities. • Working closely with customer ecosystems, -from operating to ‘C-suite’ levels- as a trusted advisor. • Leading and mentoring regional software implementation teams. I am an industrial technology enthusiast, passionate about my profession, and focused on those new technologies, market trends, business models, and competitive landscapes that are reshaping and transforming the Automation & Manufacturing ecosystems. I always aim to use my experience, knowledge, and competencies to build loyal and trusted relationships with senior executives, industry leaders, and customers, with the ultimate objective of driving value and strategic growth for their businesses. Above all, I love spending time with my wife, son, and family.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM 104

II1242B - How IIoT, Cloud, and SaaS are Driving Smart & Sustainable Manufacturing

While Industry 4.0 and Sustainability seem to be progressing on parallel tracks, there are some interesting use cases where the combination of automation, energy, and software are converging to build the foundation for Sustainable Manufacturing. In our talk, we will highlight specific use cases from the Automotive and Medical Device industries, while sharing some lessons learned from this convergence underway in the process manufacturing sector. We will complete the discussion with a couple of forward-looking scenarios where Software as a Service may become the ultimate Sustainable Manufacturing enabler.

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