Tim Brennan

IT Engineering - ALM Tools Manager , Veoneer

I have 30 years of experience working in software development and Application Lifecycle Management. I am currently the ALM Tools manager for a tier 1 automotive supplier, supporting over 6,000 engineers, globally. The ALM team I manage has 15 employees, located around the globe, supporting the organization's ALM tool landscape, licensing, and deployment of the ALM tool set. Earlier in my career, I wrote software tools in C++ and Visual Basic to support in-house tool development and provided administration services/support for specific ALM tools. Competencies: ALM systems and all supporting engineering disciplines, medium scale data management platforms (PTC, codeBeamer), ISO/CMMI auditing, software development and software development methodologies. Project management process/methodologies of Waterfall and Agile(KanBan and Scrum). Standards used and supported: ISO26262, CMMI, Automotive aSpice, and ISO27001.

Session Track: ALM

Tuesday, May 16 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM 205 C

AL1277C - Scaling Agile on a Company Level with a Fully Integrated PTC Codebeamer

Agile approaches are mostly limited to teams, parts of the organization, or maybe single engineering divisions. In this presentation, learn how Veoneer, with the expertise of Nanga Systems, uses Codebeamer for agile development/ engineering on the team level and integrates it with Targetprocess to master/follow/fullfill on a corporate strategy for scaled agile, bringing product development to a new level. See the strength of integrations, SaaS or on-prem, to allow for digital product traceability and ultimately the digital thread.

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