Tobias Klehr

IT Solution Engineer , Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG

Tobias Klehr IT Solution Engineer AR/VR at Schaeffler. Over 7 years already at Schaeffler and now responsible for AR/VR and working with a wide variety of departments at Schaeffler.

Session Track:

Wednesday, May 17 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM 210 C

AR1578B - Rethinking Operations and Training at Schaeffler with AR

Operational and workforce efficiency at Schaeffler is crucial, especially in the Mechanical Products and Industrial Engineering departments. The relocation of machines and test centers is time and cost consuming, and in the past, documentation of instructions was mainly done on paper, resulting in outdated processes and risks in inaccuracy. To help solve these challenges and improve training of new employees, Schaeffler turned to augmented reality. The organic adoption and positive feedback on ease of use has made AR a game changer for frontline workers. Join this session to learn how Schaeffler partnered with PTC back in 2021 to deploy Vuforia augmented reality work instructions that significantly improved operations, increased accuracy, and enhanced overall performance.

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