Travis Wright

CoFounder , CCP Digital

Travis Wright is a top marketing technologist, author, keynote speaker, blockchain advisor, tech journalist, and growth hacker.  

He is the former global digital and social strategist at Symantec for the Norton brand. Wright is the cofounder & CMO of CCP.Digital, a Kansas City & SF-based digital ad & content agency.  

Wright is the author of Wiley & Sons, "Digital Sense, The Common Sense Approach to Social Business Strategy, Marketing Technologies, Customer Experience and Emerging Technologies", which published in January 2017.  

Wright also cohosts one of the top ranked blockchain podcasts, The Bad Crypto Podcast, with Joel Comm.  And he cohosts VentureBeat’s podcast, VB Engage, with Stewart Rogers.

Session Info

Tuesday, June 19 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm Room 205BC

Emerging Technologies, Blockchain, Internet 3.0, and Staying Secure in the Age of Cryptocurrency

In this presentation, marketing technologist and host of the Bad Crypto Podcast, Travis Wright shows the journey of technology from Internet 1.0 to Internet 3.0. Wright talks about many emerging technologies and how they can work with blockchain. The blockchain solutions cover advertising, banking, supply chain, government, IOT, and many other industries.

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