Trent Stone

Senior Design Engineer , GE Appliances

30+ years of experience in the appliance industry. I have been using Creo Parametric for all of those in various capacities. I currently configure Creo Parametric for GE Appliances and lead the CAD Standards team. We have been using MBD techniques for the last 8 years at GE and have made considerable advancements to leverage this data in downstream applications.

Session Track:

Tuesday, May 16 1:55 PM - 2:25 PM 205 C

CA1155C - Creo MBD Powers GE Appliance’s Digital Transformation

Industry 4.0, digital transformation, digital twin, and model-based enterprise all begin with a model-based definition (MBD). MBD provides interoperable CAD data all throughout a product life cycle. For the purpose of this presentation, MBD will be defined as interoperable CAD data with machine-readable PMI (product manufacturing information) for publishing, validating, and automating downstream. This session will focus on GE Appliance’s workflow with Creo and QIF (Quality Information Framework) that checks the quality of MBD downstream and results in a highly targeted focus on issues, reduces manual effort & reliance, and cuts down error rates by 50%. GE Appliances is a 100% MBD/MBE company providing insights and lessons for the future of digital transformation in manufacturing.

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