Vinod Arekar

VP, Business Development & Strategy , PTC

Vinod Arekar is a service supply chain expert, with keen interest in Inventory Optimization, Service Simulation and Performance Based Logistics. Vinod leads strategic initiatives at PTC and develops innovative solutions for real-life problems. Vinod has brought Service Simulation to PTC, which complements PTC’s Service Lifecycle Management offering and empowers customers to make their inventory work for them.

Session Track:

Thursday, May 18 11:05 AM - 11:35 AM 102 B

SE1257B - How to Mitigate the Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions and Restore Normalcy

COVID-19 wreaked havoc on supply chains worldwide across all industries, and brought the supply chain performance discussions from supply chain executive offices to mainstream media. The wake-up call to be agile and mitigate the impact of disruption has outlived the pandemic and is now recognized as a must-have for the foreseeable future. In this session, we will discuss how to evaluate, analyze and mitigate the impact of supply chain disruptions. We will review a case study of how Monte Carlo simulations were used to overcome a COVID-caused supplier disruption and enable a turnaround. As supplier performance issues are perennial mini-disruptions, we will also present an innovative approach to collaborate with suppliers for continuous improvement.

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