Engineers of every kind, from mechanical to software to industrial, are being impacted by smart, connected products. You’re likely using CAD, ALM and PLM technologies to support new product design and the management of product data. New methodologies are required to accommodate the co-development of physical and digital components and the changing nature of the innovation process. Attending LiveWorx will help keep your skill-set finely tuned to face the next generation of engineering challenges.
Topics Covered
- Additive Manufacturing
- AR Experiences in Products or as Products
- AR for Engineering
- AR UX Design
- Digital Twin
- Digital Twin for Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
- Engineering for Choice
- Evolution of Product Design
- Industry 4.0/ Smart Manufacturing
- Generative Design
- Model Based Enterprise (MBE)
- Organization Change Management
- Product Design & Engineering
- Robot Arms
- Robotics Engineering Methodologies
- Security
- Simulation & Simulation Data Management
- Smart Connected Product Design & Engineering