LiveWorx Episode Two is all about the technology that’s reshaping modern product design and development.
Generative design, simulation-based design, additive manufacturing, product connectivity and digital thread are some of the topics that we’ll explore during the one-hour show, which will give viewers the opportunity to hear from leaders who put this technology into practice every day. To sign up, click here.
During each episode of LiveWorx 2021, Changing the World features an engaging example of how technology is making a positive impact around the globe. In The New Frontier of Product Development, it will be out of this world. Literally!
That’s because Kelly Bryant is our guest for Changing the World in Episode Two and he’s got a story to tell. Kelly, who is Deputy Section Manager, Mechanical Design/Drafting & Manufacturing at Jacobs Engineering, is a key part of his company’s sophisticated (and very cool) work with NASA.
Jacobs Engineering is the main contractor that provides engineering, technology services and support at the Johnson Space Center, working in tandem with civil servants on initiatives like mechanical design, electronic design, machine shop and more.
For NASA’s Gateway Program, which will establish an outpost that orbits the Moon and serves as a staging point for deeper space exploration (Mars!), Kelly and Jacobs have been tasked with upgrading the spacesuits.

Photo courtesy of NASA
In Kelly’s words:
…believe it or not, this is the first time in 30 years that the space suits are being re-designed. We have to figure out how to trim some fat and still allow the space suit to do more. And we’re asking the designers to trim the fat in their design as well.
How are they accomplishing it? Generative design and simulation-based design both have a big role:
Generative design can help us do thousands of iterations so much faster than a human. It’s a speed that you couldn’t attain manually. You set up your parameters to do this and that with this much load, hit go and have lunch. When you come back, GD has found many solutions to your problem. And those options can turn out to cost way less.
…In addition to generative design, we use Simulation and Simulation Live. Teams can get instant results with simulation and it’s easy to use. We’re getting answers faster.
Tune in to The New Frontier of Product Development and you’ll get to hear much more from Kelly, including how the space suits balance competing considerations, how their design process keeps everyone working concurrently and why the design technology Jacobs uses is full of surprises – in a good way.
If you’d like to learn more about the guests appearing in Episode Two, our preview of The Spotlight featuring Olabisi Boyle of Hyundai Motor North America is here.
To read our preview of The Impact of Technology, which will feature three PTC technology experts – Linda Lokay, Product Management VP, Advanced Development; Kevin Wrenn, EVP of Products; Jon Hirschtick, EVP & GM of Onshape & Atlas – click here.
See you on April 22!